
  • Large Glass Collector Edition
  • 6 Ashtrays per Display
  • Sold by Display
  • Size: 4″ Diamater
  • Case: 12dis/cs

Large Glass Collector Edition Ashtray (6 Count Display)

The Large Glass Collector Edition Ashtray is a must-have for collectors and smokers alike. The ashtray features a unique and stylish design that sets it apart from other ashtrays. The design includes various characters smoking a fat joint while doing funny and relatable things, making it a conversation starter during smoking sessions.

The six designs featured on each ashtray include “Smoke and Fly,” which depicts a character smoking while flying in the air, “Paradise,” which shows a character enjoying a joint on a beach, “I’m so fucking Happy,” which showcases a character smoking a joint with a big grin on their face, “Two Beers or not two Beers,” which features a character smoking and holding a beer, “Smoke & Fly,” which depicts a character smoking while flying in the air, and “Don’t Drink and Drive Smoke and Fly,” which is a reminder to smoke instead of drink and drive.

  1. Smoke and Fly
  2. Paradise
  3. I’m so fucking Happy
  4. Two Beers or not two Beers
  5. Smoke & Fly
  6. Don’t Drink and Drive Smoke and Fly.
Large Glass Collector Edition ...

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